Create an inside/outside space to connect your garden to your extension

Create an inside/outside space to connect your garden to your extension

Homeowners opt to connect their outdoor spaces and indoor spaces for many reasons. Doing so can provide you with a vital connection with nature whilst giving you more access to natural lighting. Read on to find out more.

Large windows and doors for connecting indoor and outdoor spaces

Installing large surface areas of glass windows or doors for a kitchen extension is great for a kitchen space. This is because people tend to spend a great deal of time in their kitchens. Large windows and doors can also be great for ventilation, and they can help you cut your electricity bills due to the way they reduce your reliance on extractor fans.

Large windows also give you incredible views of your outdoor space even when you’re inside. This means you can admire your garden throughout twelve months of the year. Adding extra windows to your kitchen extension can make your indoor space feel more connected to the outdoors and provide your property with a sense of openness.

Better access to natural light

Another great reason for installing large windows is that they give you more natural light and therefore more visibility. This can help you prevent accidents during cooking and protect any children that might enter your space whilst you’re preparing meals.

How can doors help me connect my extension to my outdoor space?

A fantastic way to connect your outdoor space to your kitchen extension is to opt for bifold doors. Bifold doors can come with additional insulation which makes them highly efficient during colder weather. As these doors fold back into your garden, you don’t need to lose any indoor space when you have them installed. They disappear completely when they are open, giving you incredible views of your outdoor space without obstructions. 

Patio doors are also great for connecting your indoor and outdoor space. These doors have one side which simply slides past the other when you open and close them. As a result, they are incredibly easy to operate.

External sliding doors can also be very efficient in helping you connect your extension to your garden. You can open and close them without needing to fold them up or down. These doors tend to be made from tough tempered glass and come complete with a locking mechanism which means they stay safely closed when you’re not using them. However, it is important to note that these doors aren’t normally as energy efficient as other types as they don’t usually have insulation built into them.

How we can help

At Kirkwood, we are ready to assist you if you want to create the ideal kitchen extension to add value to your home and make it a better place to live. We have been a leading force in our industry for many years and have all the experience, resources and skills needed to create the best Essex kitchen extension for your needs. To reach us today, send a message to or give us a call on 01268 350290.

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